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October Leodis Gym Monthly Challenge

This month not only are we testing your lower body to see how long you can hold a deep wall squat for, but we are throwing in a 10kg static front raise to hold as well to fire those shoulders off.

Who is not only physically strong but mentally strong enough at Leodis Gym to take on this challenge and go the distance?


*Stand and lean your back against the wall with your feet in front of you, shoulder distance apart.

*Squat down on the wall so your back is straight and your knees are at 90 degree angles directly over your feet.

**Hold a 10kg plate in front of you at shoulder height

*Once you are in this position your timer will start

*You must remain still, as soon as you move and come out of this position the timer will stop

*Longest hold wins

*Member of staff must be present to verify

Our overall winner will receive goods kindly donated for our monthly challenges by

Malcolm Michaels Quality Butcher Ltd who are based in Leeds City Centre Market.

Congratulations to our September gym challenge winner John Bosworth who deadlfted 262kg for a 1-Rep-Max, Awesome lift John. Your 5kg lean fresh meat pack will be with you this week.

Good Luck

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