Happy HallowLEAN

The time of year has arrived with the darker nights, colder mornings and the festive parties start.
You might want to be prepared for the onslaught of chocolate bars, sweets, and empty calories that you may be surrounded by.
It’s hard to avoid packing on an extra few pounds with everyone shoving high-sugar, high-fat foods (and alcohol) in your face.. And to make matters worse, these months usually involve a significant decrease in your training............But don't let it!
Nothing worse then writing the rest of the year off, getting totally out of shape and feeling very unhealthy only to undo all your hard work from the previous 10 months and to then start the whole process again in the new year. Why do it to yourself!!!
As hard as hard as it may be, try and make the effort to at least keep your training on point then if the odd few treats do pass through your lips, you will be starting the new year off feeling not to shabby at all and ready to attack the new year of new progress and not redoing the progress you had made from this year.
Halloween Weekend is here, check out these top tips to help you stay on track
1. Eat before you (trick or) treat: This is a good idea whether you're spending an evening trick-or-treating with your kids or spending a night out on the town. Fill up on a healthy, balanced meal made with veggies, lean protein, and whole grains. The protein and fibre in your meal will make you more satisfied and less likely to sneak treats from your kid's sugary stash. If you're going to a grown-up Halloween party, being full before knocking back your first drink is also a great idea!
2. Put your sweets out of sight: We know the pre-Halloween candy sales are scary tempting. If you've got a sweet tooth, hide these goodies in the back of your pantry, and hold off on opening them till right before the trick-or-treaters get there.
3. Have healthier snacks on hand: Be different! Stock up on nontraditional snacks that are healthier and more balanced. Instead of sugary chocolate bars,
4. Bottoms up (with your water bottle): Staying well hydrated can help you control your sweet cravings whilst being surround by all these goodies.
5. Shower your trick-or-treaters with toys. Trick-or-treaters are bombarded with sweets so break up the monotony with toys like bouncy balls, skipping ropes, glow sticks, colouring pad or Yo'Yo's. You'll still help the kiddies celebrate Halloween with the added benefit that these toys will encourage them to be more active, practicaln and creative.
6. Be picky with your sweets, pick the smallest (fun-size) portion because you can always go back for more if you really want to but try not to.
7. Trick-or-treat? Track your treats: It's so easy to get your share of empty calories from chocolate bars and lollipops without even realising it. Those mini, snack-sized bars may not seem like much, but the calories, fat, and sugar can quickly add up to a full-sized bar. Take a tally using pen and paper or an online calorie counter, or hold onto your candy bar wrappers to keep yourself on track.
8. Let yourself celebrate! If you make healthy eating a habit, a day of overindulgence is perfectly acceptable. Halloween happens just once a year, and you should be able to celebrate it without guilt. Give yourself a deadline for when the celebration is over, then plan to get back on track by cooking a nutritious meal and coming to Leodis Gym the day after. Remember that your overall health and happiness rests on more than just a few days.
Happy HallowLEAN