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5 of the most Popular diets. Are they good or bad? The pros and cons....

There seems to be a new diet for everyday day of the year nowadays. Here's 5 of the more commonly known and their pros and cons

1. The Whole 30 Program This diet is to eat whole organic foods for 30 days, cutting out the foods such as sugars, grains, dairy, alcohol, etc.. the so called fake foods. Pros; You eat healthy, nutrient dense foods. Allows you to break habits and cravings. Cons; It's a short term goal setting. What happens after day 30? What do you do on day 31? This can easily lead you into old habits and back into gaining the weight you lost over the last 30 days 2. The Zone Diet Zone dieting is exactly how it sounds, everything is categorised into "zones" in the order of importance for the body and its nutritional value. Pros; Like the Whole30 it focuses on nutrient dense foods and aims to control portions, moderation of eating and consistency of eating. Cons; Criticised for its use of high GI fruits and explanations on why not to use starchy carbohydrates. They don't give clear roles of some carbohydrates, causes confusion on what foods to choose for the better. 3. The Paleo Diet This is based around moderate protein, higher fats and low carbohydrates. Known for its reference to the caveman diet Pros; They have now developed a range of paleo friendly snacks. Usually there is strictly no cheating or snacking in paleo dieting. Cons; This is a super low carbohydrate diet. So the energy levels will be a lot lower than you are usually used to. So if you are into your high intensity workouts, these could become a whole lot harder. Cravings are usually higher when on such a calorie restriction. 4. The Ketogenic Diet This diet is primarily based around a very high fat intake, with moderate protein and very low carbohydrate intake. This is in aim to get your body into ketosis. Pros; If you can manage to get through the gruelling weeks, you will experience outstanding weight loss and also have a positive effect on your blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels Cons; Even the smallest amount of carbs can set you back by 3-4 days of reaching ketosis. 5. Intermittent Fasting Diet This is a process of intentionally fasting for around a set time, typically around 16 hours. The most common version is to do 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of feeding. Pros; Fasting can result in decreases body fat, improved cholesterol and enhanced insulin sensitivity. Eating fewer larger meals and leave you fuller and satisfied. Cons; Long periods without nutrients, especially protein makes it harder to optimise on muscle growth. It can also lead to binge eating which can become uncontrollable. This might not be the best choice if you are highly active or simply lead a busy busy lifestyle.

Has anyone ever tried any of these diets? If so we'd love to hear your thoughts and what the pros and cons were for you!

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